Game Theoretical Considerations

The proposed model presents a couple of interesting game theoretical considerations. How should an agent behave in the system, in which their behaviour will be judged by advanced filters & heuristics that will only emerge in the future.

The Artificial Intelligence bots today are already able to understand and analyse content of text, photos and videos. The AI bot of tomorrow, operating on the public, open, blockchain dataset will be able to evaluate quality of the social behaviour, uploaded content, formed relationships etc. It will then reward the author with more visibility and attention if behaviour is considered valuable or filter them out at a certain stage along the way.

So any attempts to get attention by gaming the system today will be recognised and punished tomorrow. Of course, an agent can always start over with a new identity but they sacrifice their previous reputation chain.

Because the chain of ‘attention transactions’ (who and what I looked at) is de facto a chain of reputation, and with all other things being equal the longer chain will be favoured over the shorter chain. (as it contains more data points).

So if an agent is optimising for the long-term in the environment of exponentially growing information and consequently exponentially stricter filtering by an exponentially more intelligent AIs - how they should behave?

The answer today is - they should optimise for the maximum Return-On-Attention of the people who will look at them in the future. So from a perspective of an individual, the best strategy for them is to surface their best talents, present their most unique insights and in general expose their best self. Acting this way they can maximise the chance of being visible in the ‘pure attention’ economy of abundant information and infinitely advanced filtering.

It’s also possible that a multiple persona strategy could be more optimal where an agent adopts multiple, separate identities with some of them optimising for the short term visibility and others for the long term - as described above.